myMOON was born in March 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Promoter of the line and designer of the shoes models is a 22-year-old girl who asked herself "how can I contribute to enhancing our country after this sensitive time ?!". So one night, under the moonlight, during the first italian lockdown, she started drawing models.

Models that reflect the needs of young girls lives in big cities. Often young girls go out for an aperitif, after a stressful day at the university, without paying too much attention to feminity, but thinking about the comfort of what they wear. The "sanpietrini" of Milan often lead girls to wear sneakers because they are more comfortable than heels. myMOON was born from this.

The strength point of those shoes is the heel. you can wear them at work, for a dinner or for a ceremony. 
It is as good for an aperitif as for a business woman who goes around 12h a day.
It is a shoes line suitable for both young people and adults,  with the desire to "walk" and keep up with change.

It is a Made in Italy brand, from the materials to the workmanship, and this makes myMOON a symbol of quality and elegance.
We have decided to give our shoes models the names of some of the most beautiful Italian cities. This was a choice made to pay tribute to the Italian victims and sent a message of rebirth for our country. 

Heels are a symbol of femininity. It is a essential accessory in a woman's outfit. It is a precious jewel and deserves particular attention and finesse. As Marilyn Monroe said "give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world". 
With this quote, myMOON staff hopes that, with these shoes on your feet, you can reach all your dreams.